Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Dear Mike,

I know you don't read this anyways, so I thought this would be a great outlet for me to not only journal but keep you abreast of my crazy, ridiculous life, if you wish. Abreast is such a funny word.

Anyways, I'm at Virginia Beach on spring break. Today was the first sunny day of the week, and I ended up overindulging as usual and have this weird obnoxious sunburn as a result. Such is life. Sunday we went to the aquarium and watched this amazing 3-D imax movie called Under the Sea, narrated by Jim Carey. I want to be a cuddlefish. The men are hopelessly devoted to the females, but alas, they only live two years in sensual bliss. I'd rather live a short life in love than a century without it.  The aquarium makes me sad.

We also played miniature golf in a glow-in-the-dark indoor place. That night we took a limo to a bar in Norfolk. It was crazy. Kristin ended up making out with 4 boys despite her boyfriend being at the hotel. We danced the night away with me intermittantly yelling "what the fuck are you doing" and "what the fuck is your problem?" to Kristin. I was not a happy camper. Somehow I was playing mother hen, completely out of character for me. I took them home and subsequently, Kristin and Gaelen broke up. The rest of the time has been rather awkward.

I'm trying to make the best of it by keeping us busy. Monday I went running along the ocean. We also played a lot of cards. We ended up getting pizza for dinner. Yesterday, we drove to the mall and watched Watchmen in IMAX. What an incredible experience. I really need to watch that a few times before I get all the symbolism and meaning. It was amazing.

At night we made corn beef and cabbage for St. Patty's Day and went to Norfolk for a bar crawl. Nothing too crazy happened. 

This morning it was actually sunnnnnyy! We went outside and tanned for the morning, followed by an iced latte and playing on the beach. While we were writing in the sand my phone fell in the water and is dead. I wasn't that upset because I need a new phone anyways.

We then rode to Motor World and did 5-racetracks for go-karting. It was so much fun! Then we played 36 holes of miniature golf. I'm actually getting pretty good. The first time we played individually, and Galen won but the second game we played best ball and we tied. While we were walking over an overpass of a waterfall my camera fell out of my pocket and into the water. That really upset me, but hopefully it's still under warranty. Tonight the crew wants to go out and about the town. I don't know if I really want to. Just not in the mood.

I miss you terribly. I wish you would re-enter my world. This is breaking my heart.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Joyce's Birthday

Summertime is always easy, especially on the lake. There's something about the cool breeze fluttering over the pulsing waves that makes me want to grab a pen,a journal and a good book and find a smooth beach boulder to perch on.

Any opportunity to visit the lake is a welcome escape from the heat and sweat of the country. When Mike invited me over to his grandparent's cottage for Joyce's birthday, I couldn't resist. My little sister Jenny was invited to the party, and she was looking forward to it. She didn't want to spend the night alone there, and I had been asked by the LaLonde's to help chaperone. Of course, I accepted, excited to spend time with Mike and at my personal happy place.

Jenny was jittery in the car ride there. We spent the 30 minute drive listening to music with the warm wind whipping our hair into knots while she talked about the drama of being a thirteen-year-old. I recalled the summer nights I spent at my friend Kylie's grandparents house playing capture the flag for hours. The most exciting part of these visits were the boys. Any physical touch, be it falling over on top of a boy accidentally (I'm rather accident-prone), or running just fast enough to feel his heavy breathing behind you as you slid across the imaginary safe line elicited heart-beating crushes. Joyce's party would have boys.

When we pulled in the driveway, balloons fluttered in the wind and little girls ran around screeching in their bathing suits. Jenny quickly jumped out to join them, and I slowly looked around for Mike. Despite the beautiful weather, I found Mike asleep, spread-eagle on a bed indoors. I jumped on Mike and peppered his face with kisses. Get up! Get up! Get up! I squeled. Mike groaned and rolled over trying to pull me down beside him.

More later.

An outlet for the inconsistencies and craziness of a relationship

It's complicated.